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Stefan Kallweit, Emanuele Re, Luca Rottoli and Marius Wiesemann (e-Print: arXiv:2004.07720)

Click here to contact the developers.

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The MATRIX+RadISH interface combines fully differential cross sections for colour-singlet production processes at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) QCD through MATRIX with all-order resummation through RadISH. It achieves highest-accuracy predictions for various transverse observables in 2 → 1 and 2 → 2 production processes. In particular, MATRIX+RadISH can be used to perform transverse-momentum resummation of the colour-singlet final state at N3LL accuracy, φ* resummation for the Drell–Yan process at N3LL accuracy, transverse-momentum resummation of the leading jet (and equivalently jet-veto resummation) at NNLL accuracy, and double-differential resummation in the transverse momentum of the colour singlet and of the leading jet at NNLL accuracy. The matching is performed to the integrated cross section at NNLO QCD accuracy. All possible leptonic decay channels of the vector bosons are included in the calculations, by consistently accounting for all resonant and non-resonant diagrams, off-shell effects and spin correlations. As a consequence the full lepton kinematics is accessible to define realistic cuts in the fiducial volume. This facilitates direct comparisons with experimental data of the unfolded distributions.


NEW MATRIX+RadISH_v1.1.0.tar.gz
Version 1.1.0 (Jul 2022)
  • implemented possibility to run on local scratch of cluster nodes (shared file system still required)
  • added some condor functionalities (releases jobs from time to time)
  • fixed output of central cumulant efficiency
  • fixed problem in on-shell W production with dynamic scales
  • fixed problem with cuts of userparticle definition in ppemexmx04
  • included some speed-ups for cluster and writeouts
  • removed unnecessary (subleading) muon cuts from ppemexnmx04
  • added additional input files for ATLAS analysis in ppemxnmnex04
  • some minor fixes in python scripts
Version 1.0.1 (Nov 2020)
  • fixed problems in input files for cuts in ZZ and WZ
  • forbid running without --radish option (use MATRIX in that case)
Version 1.0.0 (June 2020)
  • First MATRIX+RadISH release version.


NEW MATRIX+RadISH_manual_v1.0.1.pdf
